Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Sweetness and Light

Note to self: bring camera on pre-dawn walks in order to capture amazing sunrises (light). Yesterday's was gorgeous; it brought to mind the cover of whatever Faulkner book I read in high school - I think it was The Sound and The Fury.  Spectacular rising over a dairy farm with red barn and white house, and I'm sorry I didn't think to capture it for posterity. 

I hung out briefly with Marissa and her baby (sweetness) before heading out for a quick run with the dog. It was a good run, I didn't have much shin pain, no hip pain, and I did negative splits of 10:10 and 9:10, which isn't great but could have been much worse. Also, it was uphill out and downhill back, which is just faboo. I feel speedy when I come home.

This year, the motivation to run isn't as strong as it has been in years past. By now, I should have started  training for the sprint tri I've down for the past three years. I'm sure it's a combination of things: M. isn't running, and I depend far too much upon him for motivation; I've been lazy; I have umpteen projects I want to work on, and only so much time in which to do it.  Further complicating the matter is my new 'need' to go to bed no less than 3 hours after eating. In case you're wondering, it's really hard to do so if you run after work, then cook a mostly from-scratch dinner. I know, I know - it's just excuses. If I really wanted, I could easily run in the morning, or go to the gym, or whatever before work. Apparently, I just don't want to!

In good news, all of my 22 peat pots have seedlings! The jalapenos finally sprouted, a few days after everyone else had joined the party. Better late than never. At this rate, I may actually have enough plants to fill the 64 squares in my as-yet unconstructed raised beds. I bought the most gorgeously inspiring book:

and now all I want to do is grow and put away food. Mmmmmh, pickles!

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