Thursday, June 30, 2011

On why I should just stick with ideas.

I'm an idea person. I always have been. Need an idea? I'm pretty sure I can supply it. Actually carrying out the idea, however, has never been my strong suit. This is probably why M. and I make a good pair; he is tops at, at a minimum, starting to bring the idea to life. Although now that I think about it, we probably need a third team member so we'd actually finish something.

I have an aversion to using the sewing machine. It and I do not a good team make. I was planning on just pinning together a cover for the cushion, but foolishly have allowed M. to talk me into thinking that I can sew a basic pillow cover shape, and then just glue velcro to the opening and stuff the cushions inside. That sounded great! I mean, I know that if I weren't so impatient apply myself to sewing, I can do it. I've done it before. So I measured the cushions, I picked out the 54" wide fabric... everything was going gangbusters.

Until I did the math.

The stupid main cushion is 24" and 3" deep. If I wrap the fabric around the cushion, it would fit perfectly - but there wouldn't be any fabric to spare for, say, a seam.I'm thinking of using some cheaper fabric to bridge the gap. I'd hide it, of course. Naturally, that increases the number of seams... If I don't, I'll have to buy way more fabric than I really need. So what it boils down to is, do I want to save money or time???

And that's just for the basic bottom cushion! There's three smaller cushions on the back.

I just need to keep my end goal in mind: a lovely glider, a cool breeze, and a good book. I think I can, I think I can, I think I can.

Monday, June 27, 2011


I've found a tutorial on making a no-sew cushion cover, and am feeling inspired! Now, I need opinions.You've seen the picture of my front porch. The house is beige-y tan, trim is cream, and accents are a rusty-red kinda color. The new glider is green. And here are some fabrics from Jo-ann, both on sale:

(Waverly Sun-n-Shade Outdoor Fabric Paddock Shawl Persimmon)
(Waverly Sun-n-Shade Outdoor Fabric - Serene Stripe Cinnabar)

So, which one do I pick? Price is the same for each...