Thursday, June 9, 2011

Garden salad

My carefully-sown lettuce seeds are producing like whoa. Typically, we go through two heads of lettuce a week. I pick the biggest ones at the store. But this week, we've had fresh salads, with chives sprinkled in for a little bite because baby lettuce is pretty darn mellow, every night. And holy sweet deliciousness, Batman.

The first night we had it, I put a drizzle of balsamic vinegar and some goat cheese on mine. M. looked at it and said, why no dressing? Because, I replied, I don't want to drown the babies. They're really too delicate for a heavy dressing. But he threw caution to the wind and poured it on anyways. And you know what? He seemed to enjoy it.

To me, that plate of lettuce and chives topped with a few sprinkles of thick brown vinegar and chunks of an herbed chevre signals the beginning of summer. Here's to three or four months of light, fresh eating!

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