Sometimes unexpected turns are taken in the path of life. In this case, the path of the nursery. I had been planning a purple and mustard palette, as you know, and had picked out a variety of fabrics for the upholstered chaise I'm having redone.
Then, unexpectedly, M. accompanied me to Joann's one Sunday. I went in expecting to come out with a wimpy neutral upholstery fabric. I came out with a special order slip for the decidedly non-neutral fabric seen above. And, color me shocked, it was M. who saw it and said "That's a happy fabric. You should get that one."
Even though I still have a week of waiting before the fabric arrives from the warehouse, I'm really excited that I've accomplished something nurser-yrelated.
Incidentally, every time I think about ordering something that will take 2 weeks, it makes me think of this scene in O Brother, Where Art Thou?
I'm a Dapper Dan man. I love this movie.
Lol, I had forgotten that scene. I'm going to start referring to our house as two weeks from everywhere.