Make a meal plan that uses freezer food.- Declutter the bookshelves - there are
four fivesix in our house, plus a few deliberate piles. Makea hugelkultur bed (this is not related to simplifying, but it's a major goal that will hopefully help me do more with less money, so it's allowed because: "year with less" is pretty close to "year of less").Finish last week's goals.
Considering the circumstances I found myself in this week, I'm pleased as punch with my progress. I cleaned out my sock drawer (and even took the bag to a drop-off!), my car is mostly emptied out (thank you Matthew), I used up some freezer food, and I started the bed. My bookshelves are still filled up, but I'm ok with that.
Charlotte got some sort of virus last Friday that I also got, and we were a hot mess. Snot all over, fluid in the ears type of virus. That seriously limited my motivation to do much, especially since she reverted to waking up every 3 hours for 6 straight nights.
But! We have done (AND PUT AWAY, I can't even believe it) several loads of laundry, the sink finally got emptied last night, and Charlotte and I are feeling better. And sleeping better.
I'm taking this week off from new goals, because Charlotte and I are headed to DC on Friday and I don't want to over-extend myself. I'll just focus on my earlier goals. Seems a good compromise!
I'm taking this week off from new goals, because Charlotte and I are headed to DC on Friday and I don't want to over-extend myself. I'll just focus on my earlier goals. Seems a good compromise!
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