Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Family ties

The Friday after Thanksgiving, Charlotte and I hung out with her Aunt Jess and Grandma, while Uncle Jason and Dada went hunting.

We went to a playground and had so much fun.
We went down the slides...

 Grandma took her and Aunt Jess for a ride...

 And finally, she had fun on the swings.

After dinner, we all piled in the cars to go see Charlotte's Great Great Aunt June.

Uncle Jason was being funny and doing something with his hoodie strings - I think. Let's be honest - I just included this photo because I really enjoy how she's delicately holding her sweater up.

Charlotte shared her book with Aunt June:

Towards the end, she was getting a little cranky. If she could see me, and I didn't immediately pick her up, this is the face she made:
I can just hear the awful whining now. That sound. It's like nails on a chalkboard to me. But at least she's cute when she does it.

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