Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Focal point decision

My grandmother's sewing room was in the attic of their house when I was growing up. It was sparsely furnished, but what she had was high quality and comfortable. She had a chaise lounge that was my favorite spot up there. When they moved into a small apartment, I got the chaise.

(Can I take a moment to point out that while I type this, I'm listening to a dude from the Remington website explain how to replace the piston seal and piston seal assembly on a Remington 1187 shotgun. Juxtaposition of opposition, folks, that's how we roll.)

The chaise has seen far better days. When the cats joined the family, they promptly climbed into the guts of it and pulled all the stuffing out. Today, the springs are fully exposed, temporarily "upholstered" with a remnant of an old mattress pad, and covered with a $9 sheet from Target. I know it can be better. But it's not going to be better because of some amazingly crafty DIY project. Nope, I've recognized my limits and am bringing in a pro - aka my neighbor, who is a legit upholsterer.

The chaise is going in the nursery once it's done. I'm hoping it'll be the main design element in the room. To that point, I spent time at Jo Ann's today looking at fabrics. I'm looking at a purple/mustard/neutral color scheme.

 This one is my favorite, but it's a multi-purpose fabric, not upholstery, which might be an issue? It's pretty heavy, though. Also, I worry it's too linear. But it might make awesome curtains.

This one did not photograph well at ALL. It's textural, and has 2 purple and 2 greens on a creamish background. 

This one is really neither purple nor mustard, but I love it nonetheless.

Now that I look at these, I worry - what if I'm not confident enough to go with a bold pattern? The chaise is six feet long and three feet high, so there's going to be a lot of fabric.

Should I go with a plain fabric?

Should I go big or go home?

What's a girl to do???

1 comment :

  1. go big or go home! :)

    seriously, what have you got to lose? and I've been staring at that first fabric every time I go into our local Joanne's trying to figure out a way to rationalize buying it. :)
