Thursday, April 26, 2012

"I" finished!

Funny, cuz we all know I didn't really finish this project. No, gentle reader, I sat on the couch nursing one day while M was running about suffering from a fit of motivation, and said to him "could you help me figure out how to hang the letters on the wall?" Next thing I know, he's heading upstairs, hammer, 6' straight-edge, and level in hand.

And you know, it wasn't until I took this photo that I realized - the C is wrong-side-out. Which is too bad, because it's my favorite letter, a bronze sparkly one that I picked special for Charlotte. Hopefully M will suffer from another fit of motivation soon so he can fix it.

Also, yes, I am aware that the Y, & Z look like they are falling. That was a compromise because M and I couldn't agree on the spacing. I still think my way would have worked better, but he was wielding the hammer. 

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