Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Tuesday rain

It rained yesterday, the sort of soft, gentle rain that I don't typically associate with June. It didn't rain the whole live-long day, it just rained when I wanted to be outside. Fortunately, the rain was warm and there wasn't much wind. When it came time to get lettuce for our salads from the garden, I knew all Charlotte and I would need was a baseball cap.

We stayed snug as bugs in rugs! And actually, the little bug fell asleep during the 100 foot walk to the garden, and stayed asleep until I got the pizzas in the oven. Good job, baby.

Please note how excellently we are taking advantage of the rafters for storage in our newly cleaned out back porch. Snowshoes, drying racks, strollers all hanging from above.

1 comment :

  1. It rains here in The Hague ALL THe TIME! Actually, it's sunny for the second day in a row right now, which I'm sure will be over soon, I think we're in for another straight week of rain. AND it's cold. I regret not bringing gloves, and I was worried about snow the other night! Not what I'm used to in June either!
