Monday, May 9, 2011


After 2.5 years of sleeping in a crate, Gus is finally trustworthy enough to sleep on a big boy bed in the living room. My joy at reclaiming a 3'x4' area of my dining room was tempered only slightly by a sense of melancholy that he's all growed up. Which means I'm old. A tear.

Anyways, folding up and stashing the crate under a chair-and-a-half in front of the wood stove has completely inspired me to de-clutter and decorate. We've been in the house 5 years now, and it's still got a bit of that "I just moved in and don't have the money or energy to actually surround myself with meaningful, beautiful things." Enough. This weekend is the village garage sale. I've started collecting stuff to sell. I'm brainstorming projects using things that we already have. I framed a few things from my travels and I'm super excited to actually get them up on the walls!

Expect a few before-and-after photos, and maybe some during. There's big things in the works, kids!

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